I scientize form of a corona

Form of a corona is different in vanity whether activity of a sunspot is active. An image clicks it, and look.

The greatest period that activity of a sunspot is active
The greatest period that activity of a sunspot is active
The minimum period that activity of a sunspot is stagnant
The minimum period that activity of a sunspot is stagnant
Form of a corona is all directions type
Form of a corona is all directions type (Collapse of a line of magnetic force)
As for the form of a corona, I see a line of magnetic force with the alation sun type
As for the form of a corona, I see a line of magnetic force with the alation sun type

The left is a corona of Zambia total eclipse of the sun,
and the right is a corona of a Thai total eclipse of the sun.

The left photograph is the corona which did round form of a model for the solar activity greatest period that I photographed in capital Lusaka of African southern part Zambia on June 21, 2001. A streamline of a corona extends to all directions unlike a corona of the minimum period model that I photographed in 1995. I compare this with a model for the minimum period and because there are many numbers of a sunspot, activity of the sun inside becomes active and is broken disorderly because a line of magnetic force cannot keep equilibrium. Because form of a corona begins to blow in a ball object in proportion to it, seeing from the earth, a corona will lengthen towards all directions.
A right photograph is a corona-shaped for the solar activity minimum period that I photographed in chokchai of the Thai eastern part on October 24, 1995. A streamline of a corona extends to a diagonal direction. Because there are few numbers of a sunspot, as for this, activity of the sun inside falls in comparison with the greatest period model, and the side of the alation sun type is seen as a corona having a long so that a line of magnetic force keeps equilibrium. The streamline which I see with a corona and a perpendicular aspect is a line of magnetic force of sun magnetic field. It is a characteristic-shaped for the minimum period in the time to be able to see this line of magnetic force.
The greatest period that activity of a sunspot is active
The greatest period that activity of a sunspot is active
The interphase when activity of a sunspot is moderation
The interphase when activity of a sunspot is moderation
Form of a corona cuts morphine perception, and it is a model
Form of a corona cuts morphine perception, and it is a model (There is a magnetic neutral aspect)
As for the form of a corona, I slightly see a line of magnetic force with the alation sun type
As for the form of a corona, I slightly see a line of magnetic force with the alation sun type

The left is a corona of a Mexican total eclipse of the sun,
and the right is a corona of a Venezuelan total eclipse of the sun.

I say that a corona of a type is seen like a photograph with about 1/20 probability for morphine perception the greatest period that I cut it and was thought to be a corona in 1999 and 2001. For example, please imagine a musician of a morphine perception head wanting to be Locke. As for the everyday corona, all directions model shows a brain of a musician in sideways-facing. Because I was seen with the appearance that watched a morphine perception head from the front this time, I compared it to a morphine perception hL head and did it with a title. In this way a corona taken vertical has only a few, and it may be said that it is the-shaped corona that it is very unusual. By the way, I cut the morphine perception that I transformed a little on March 7, 1970, and a corona is observed. Because I leave it very much, as for the earth and the distance of the sun, a corona of all directions type is completely seen in earth side in the case of most of unless morphine Kan turns.
A right photograph is a corona of the solar activity interphase model that I photographed in Carrasquero town in the root of Guahira Peninsula of South America Venezuela on February 26, 1998. A streamline of a corona extends to a diagonal direction. Because there are comparatively few numbers of a sunspot, as for this, activity of the sun inside falls in comparison with the greatest period model, and the side of the alation sun type is seen as a corona having a long so that a line of magnetic force keeps equilibrium. The streamline which I see with a corona and a perpendicular aspect is a line of magnetic force of sun magnetic field. The time to be able to see this line of magnetic force is a characteristic of the minimum period model, but a number and a scale of a line of magnetic force compare it with a type for the minimum period in the case of an interphase and decrease. This is a characteristic-shaped in a solar activity interphase.

 Explanation of a technical term

With the alation sun type...The corona which a wing grew in the sun was bidirectional at all, and, in form to be seen in a corona of a model for the minimum period, it was named mainly by appearing. A line of magnetic force of sun magnetic field is seen.

With all directions model......I was big, and, in form to be seen in a corona of a model for the greatest period, it was named for the sun whole mainly by the corona which had an expanse appearing. A line of magnetic force of sun magnetic field collapses.

With a magnetic neutral aspect...A bright part of a corona seen regardless of a model for the model / the minimum period in a model / an interphase for the greatest period. Because distance of the sun is separated from the earth at the time of model very much for the greatest period, a corona of all directions type is completely seen in the earth side in the case of most of unless morphine perception (a magnetic neutral aspect) turns.

A line of magnetic force of sun magnetic field
That I take a magnetic field is observed because solar wind of a particle discharged by a corona is a high temperature. It became clear that a line of magnetic force of this sun magnetic field going ahead through planet space by "solar wind", solar wind changing in 27 diurnal parallax that were the solar rotation not uniformity again, a change of solar wind coped with a geomagnetic field change. Because I rotate, in the sun, a line of magnetic force becomes twisted form. A difference of a line of magnetic force direction understands that I observe a corona with a polarizing filter well.

A reference book
I quoted it from documents of Mr. professor at seven a year SkyWatcher1991 moon Tokoku University department of science Takao Saito partly.
